Otoplasty, which includes pinning back the ears, has dramatically risen in the number of surgical procedures being performed.
Whilst once limited to children with symptoms that affected their hearing, the surgery has consistently become one of the most common in the UK for adults who are unhappy with the way their ears look.
Being unhappy with a body part can make people feel self conscious, lack in confidence, become anxious and even suffer depression because of the way they look.
Having protruding ears can sometimes be more problematic in men, due to the fact that the average hair cut for a man does not ‘hide’ or cover the ears.
Whereas women can hide features more easily such as using their long hair to cover ears that stick out.
For this very reason, otoplasty has become one of the most popular cosmetic procedures amongst men and is in the top list of surgeries overall, along with rhinoplasty, liposuction and facelifts.
One of the reasons why ear correction surgery has risen in popularity is because the procedure became more readily available and more affordable in recent years.
When cosmetic otoplasty came on to the scene, it was very limited on where it was available and expensive.
However, when the costs of procedures decreased and more clinics were able to offer the surgery, the word spread.
Now in 2018 there are a lot more people choosing this surgical procedure and each year the numbers are rising.
Maybe the way in which society has evolved has also played a part.
Many people are very sensitive about their features and appearance, especially as more photos are taken due to the selfie generation.
In addition, due to this increase in technology, such as social media, it is very easy to get offended by a back handed comment and insults are something that can run deep and stick around for a very long time.
Furthermore, once a high profile or semi-high profile figure has undergone surgery, they speak about it online and in magazines. This also brings more awareness and gives the impression to others who may have doubts that things don’t have to be the way they are. And things can change for the better, thus improving self confidence and reducing anxiety.
People of all adult ages can undergo ear correction surgery.
However, as we age, changes naturally occur in our body, such as hair loss, which makes camouflaging protruding ears more difficult.
For those considering correction surgery, should know that it is a relatively simple procedure that involves a number of different techniques, such as stitches, tissue removal and cartilage scoring.
Overall the surgery can take around one hour to perform on both ears and in some cases does not require general anaesthetic.
General anaesthetic was a contributing factor to why many people were discouraged from having the procedure.
However, some patients can now be treated using local anaesthetic and treated as an out-patient, with no overnight hospital stay required.
The cosmetic surgery industry is no longer dominated by women.
More and more men are opting for surgery in modern times, from liposuction to ear correction and the trend does not show any signs of slowing going in to 2019.
Pick up the phone and give us a call for a friendly chat about otoplasty and get all your questions answered.
There’s no better way than to speak direct with a specialist who can advise you personally on your individual circumstances and the options that you would be an ideal candidate for.
Put the negative thoughts and insults to the back of your mind and understand that just because you may feel the way you do, doesn’t mean you should, especially not for the rest of your life. For more details about otoplasty,
please visit: https://manchesterprivatehospital.uk/cosmetic-surgery/ear-correction/
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