In October 2014, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) published the Private Healthcare Market Investigation Order 2014 (the “Order”) following its investigation into the private healthcare industry. The Order requires private hospital operators to disclose specific information regarding referring clinicians (as defined by the Order) for the benefit of patients. Full details about the investigation and the Order can be found on the CMA web page.
Manchester Private Hospital provides the following services to consultants and/or referring clinicians:
These services are provided to ensure clinical safety and operational efficiency, including:
To operate a commercially viable business, Manchester Private Hospital provides marketing and promotional support, which includes but is not limited to:
Corporate hospitality is proportionate and reasonable to the nature of the business.
Note: Manchester Private Hospital began trading on 1st June 2018. To date, no corporate hospitality events have been held.
GMC Registered Surgeons
4000+ Happy Patients
Flexible Finance Options
CQC Registered Private Hospital