A breast uplift, also known as mastopexy, is designed to realistically achieve an aesthetic body goal desired by the patient.
A patient often enquires about a breast lift when they meet any or all of the following criteria:
There are a number of different types of breast lift available depending on your circumstances.
Once you are able to identify the root cause of sagging breasts, you can then understand which procedure will work best for you and your desired goals.
It is worth noting that a breast uplift procedure is designed to ‘fix’ the boob skin ‘envelope’ and not the actual composition of the breast such as tissue / substance.
Full Breast Uplift
Modified Breast Uplift
However, if the surgery is being performed because of the use of implants, then different techniques are required.
Breast sagging is a common side effect to having a boob job (implants), because of the extra weight and stress of the implant on the tissues and muscles within the chest.
Overstretching the skin to accommodate the implant can also impact on the elasticity of the skin and natural breast tissue.
When your boobs sag, droop or hang lower than they once did, this is known as ptosis.
The most common cause of saggy breasts is gravity, especially in older patients.
Women who have already gone through menopause often experience an increase in ptosis because of the aged skin, which naturally becomes overstretched and loses elasticity.
However, younger and middle aged women can also experience ptosis for a number of reasons, including;
In the medical world, boob ptosis severity is actually measured on a grading scale from 1 to 4.
This scale mostly applies to natural breasts than have never had other surgery such as implants.
The boob is made up of a number of different elements, which are either directly or indirectly altered over time naturally as we age.
These elements are then corrected during an uplift procedure.
The elements include:
The ligaments from the chest suspend the boobs.
Skin also plays a crucial role, which is why when it loses elasticity or is overstretched can cause sagging.
To correct the sagging, a surgeon will make a number of incisions to the breasts.
Skin will be removed from the nipple area (areola) and from underneath your boob.
This will allow for reshaping of the breasts in to a tighter shape and nipples can be repositioned to suit the new shape.
If you are combining your procedure with breast implants, your surgeon will insert the implant (usually silicone) behind the chest muscle or underneath your breast tissue.
After the repositioning of the breasts, incisions will then be stitched and you will be ready for recovery.
Following your aftercare and recovery plan, you will be able to remove any support clothing and see your results instantly. To know more about breast uplift, please visit: https://manchesterprivatehospital.uk/cosmetic-surgery/breast-uplift/
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