Can Blepharoplasty Make a Difference?

This is a common question in the cosmetic surgery world. When we age, as a human, it is natural for our muscles to slacken and for our skin to lose how elastic it is. For the eyes, this is no different.

Mrs Carla M Babicki  |  Registered General Nurse (RGN)

Last Updated On: March 3, 2025 | Published On: May 15, 2018


Medically reviewed by Mr Shivram Singh MBBS, FRCSI, FRCS (Plast), Medical Director & Lead,
Medical Advisory Committee for Manchester Private Hospital
Last Reviewed August 2nd 2022

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Can blepharoplasty make a difference to my life?

Slacking muscle tissue and less-elastic skin can result in deep creases in the lower eyelids and folds in the upper eyelids.
There are muscles all around the eye. When muscles below the skin in the eye region slacken, it can cause fat that cushions the eye ball to move forward.

eyebag removal - eyelid surgery - blepharoplasty
  • This is known as bulging.
  • The result of this is an appearance of bagginess under the eye – also known as eye bags.
  • There are no exact markers for when eye bags can get worse, and in some families, members can be prone to them developing in early adulthood.
  • When you have inherited eye bags, there is little you can do to prevent it. This is because the condition has a tendency to appear regardless of diet, weight or age.
  • Patients who have a condition that affects their eyes often report symptoms being worse in the morning, especially after a lack of sleep or a stressful time.
  • Common complaints relating to the eyelids include; bags, prominent creases and folds of skin.
  • As we age, we can also experience eyelids that droop. This is more commonly related to the lower eyelids. Whereas the upper eyelids are more prone to skin folds gathering above the eye.

In more severe cases, these skin folds can over-hang the eyelashes and can become visible to the line of vision.

  • So can blepharoplasty, aka eyelid surgery make a difference?
  • If you are suffering any of the above symptoms, and are unhappy or feel that your self confidence is lowered by eye-bags, drooping lids or bulging eyes, then blepharoplasty can help.
  • It is possible to correct one or more of the above symptoms with cosmetic eyelid surgery.
  • The best way to determine what can be gained from a surgical procedure is to discuss it in detail during a consultation.
  • Being located in Manchester, we are a central hub for cosmetic surgery in the North.
  • At the Manchester Private Hospital, we have professional eye surgeons who can correct issues relating to the eyelids.
  • We can also provide advice and guidance on how to help make your surgery a success.
  • For example, ensuring you are in good phsyical health is a great place to start.
  • Patients who maintain a healthy weight with good diet and a regular exercise programme will get more out of cosmetic procedures. This is because excess fat is kept to a minimum.
  • Furthermore, stopping smoking can help naturally improve the look and feel of skin.
  • Combining lifestyle changes and good life choices with blepharoplasty will ensure that you are satisfied on a more long term basis.
  • At first after your operation the skin around your eyes make seem swollen or too tight, but this is completely normal. It can take a few weeks for swelling to go down and to adapt to the feeling of your ‘new skin’.
  • Most patients who undergo eyelid surgery are happy with the results.
  • Why not contact us today to discuss the options for you with a plan that is tailored to your individual needs and expectations?
  • We have friendly staff on hand to answer questions and speak with you in a personal but professional manner with absolutely no press what-so-ever.
  • Being located in Manchester, we regularly see patients who are located in Liverpool to Bolton to Sheffield, Leeds, Bradford and beyond.

To know more about eye bag removal or eyelid surgery, please visit:

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