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Sorcha’s Rhinoplasty

Procedure: Rhinoplasty

Sorcha’s Rhinoplasty At Manchester Private Hospital

Sorcha is a 22 year old actress and content creator in Manchester. She knew for a long time that she wanted to have a rhinoplasty performed to address some self-confidence issues she had around her nose, caused by an accident when she was an infant. When she learned about Manchester Private Hospital, and our approach, Sorcha knew it was the right place to opt for her surgery. This is Sorcha’s story.

Was Rhinoplasty Something You’d Been Considering For A While?

When I was two years old I broke my nose. It left a large bump and a scar which I’d been living with my whole life. I was really self conscious about the appearance of my nose. To the point where I’d warn people before I met them that I had a bumpy nose. With my 21st birthday approaching, I knew it was the right time to gift myself a rhinoplasty and change the negative feelings I had towards myself.

What Sort Of Research Did You Do Into Your Procedure?

I had been researching rhinoplasty for years. I had been in contact with a couple of hospitals in Turkey due to the difference in price. However, after doing research I quickly learnt that having any surgery abroad is extremely risky and may leave you with long term problems that hospitals in the UK will not correct. I wanted peace of mind, so I started looking closer to home.

How Did You Find Manchester Private Hospital?

I had a list of all the hospitals in the UK that performed rhinoplasty. Manchester Private Hospital was on my list and once I called to ask about pricing, I knew they were the ones who would do my rhinoplasty. This was because, firstly, the staff on the phone were so friendly and professional, I felt as if they were as excited about the prospect of my rhinoplasty as I was. Secondly, after having been quoted a much higher price from a hospital in Harley Street, the price of the rhinoplasty at Manchester Private Hospital was very refreshing to hear.

How Did You Feel After Your Consultation?

I felt great and reassured. I made a list of all my questions and they were all answered within my consultation. I just felt so excited.

How Was Recovery For You?

I had wanted rhinoplasty almost all my life, so I just felt so excited to see my results as soon as I got out of surgery. The doctors actually had to remind me to rest as I just couldn’t stop smiling! Honestly, recovery was a breeze, it got a little uncomfortable towards the end because the cast got itchy but overall, the excitement of seeing my results the week later got me through the week. I would honestly do it all over again tomorrow!

Has Having Surgery Changed Your Life In Any Way? Do You Feel Different?

100%. It’s been over a year now since my surgery and I still take pictures of my nose almost everyday. I love doing my makeup now and I still get a shock every time I see it in the mirror – in a good way of course. My confidence has shot up, I couldn’t be happier, and everyone in my life has noticed the difference.

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