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Mr Manish Sinha

Consultant Cosmetic Surgeon


Mr Manish Sinha Surgeon

Professional Profile

We are proud to have Mr. Sinha as part of our team of resident cosmetic surgeons. With over two decades of experience in a diverse range of plastic surgery procedures, Mr. Sinha is an accomplished surgeon who brings a wealth of expertise and knowledge to our clinic.

Having completed his plastic surgery training in the UK and holding a National Training Number, Mr. Sinha has also completed a Skin Oncology Fellowship from Guys & St. Thomas’ NHS Trust and an Aesthetic Surgery Fellowship from The London Clinic. Throughout his career, he has held training positions in several cities, including London, Cambridge, Glasgow, and Dundee, as well as various NHS Trusts.

At one of the Cambridge University Hospitals in West Suffolk, Mr. Sinha held a substantive consultation post as a skin cancer specialist within the NHS. Since 2020, he has been exclusively practicing in the independent sector and performing around 350 procedures annually.

One of the things that sets Mr. Sinha apart is his dedication to working closely with his patients. By understanding their expectations and desires, he is able to produce exceptional results that his patients are happy with. Furthermore, he has developed advanced enhanced recovery techniques that enable his patients to wake up pain-free, manage their pain effectively, and be mobile early on, allowing them to be discharged from the hospital earlier.

We are confident that Mr. Sinha’s expertise and patient-centered approach will ensure that our patients receive the best possible care and results. We are thrilled to have him as a valued member of our team, and we believe that our patients will appreciate his skill and compassion.




  • Breast enlargement (implant augmentation)
  • Breast uplift (mastopexy)
  • Augmentation mastopexy (implant & uplift)
  • Breast reduction
  • Areola correction
  • Inverted nipple correction
  • Revision breast surgery (secondary)

Consultation Locations

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